Sunday, August 11, 2024

Feline Funnies



Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The New Cat Tree House Scratcher!


Today, we purchased something fun for the kitties - a Cat Tree House Scratcher! Of course, the cats had to help put it together ....

Miss Ginger and Sir Leo checking things out ... 

Teddy and Butterscotch joined them, too!

Sunday, April 28, 2024

My favorite Cat Dads!

What can I say about "cat dads"? Well, speaking as someone who has been fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to share my life with a cat dad for the last 26 years, I personally believe that they are absolutely and without a doubt THE BEST! In fact, I have been blessed to know quite a few cat dads and I find them to be among the most amazing men whom I have ever met. 

And so, I decided to ask a few cat dads that I know what they liked the most about being a cat dad and what they loved the most about cats. Here's what they had to say ...

Jon and Friends
Jon and "Reginald".

"I believe these questions deserve an answer that is not over-simplified or glossed in a broad interpretation in lieu of an answer. So I will do my best to be as succinct as possible and give the reader an honest and accurate answer. Which means going back to the beginning. I grew up in a home full of pets. Dogs, lizards, a turtle named Gizmo and hamsters were all part of my youth. I was also raised by outdoorsmen. Hunting and fishing were common and I to this day still very much enjoy both. I was blessed to have been raised in a family that loved their animals, and respected all animals. I think that’s important to note and plays a significant part in the overall answer. A lot of people get the outdoorsman’s perspective wrong in my humble opinion. Most of the hunting and fishing community I know have the utmost respect and regard for animals and a lot of times have a deeper appreciation for those creatures than most people who have never studied them. That being said I was raised that all animals were worth our attention and respect, whether they were in our care or were a means to provide sustenance through ethical means of hunting or fishing.

And while my life has been a vast cornucopia of critters, cats had never been a big part of it. Not until I was an adult. I never really had any interaction with the trusty feline companions as a youth so I suppose I never really gave them much thought. That’s not to say I harbored malice or dislike for cats, I had more of a live and let live kind of approach to their existence.

Moose’s story has been WELL documented so we can skip that portion of the conversation, but what hasn’t been told is my story of him. Renee brought Moose home from a foster family and the initial introductions to the kids and us went smoothly enough as did the naming process of Mr. Tons o’ fun. But after that came the whole “what do you do with a cat?” time. Which as it turns out was ok because as we were trying to figure out how to care for this rotund cantankerous guy, he was trying to figure out what to do with his newly adopted people. We grew together. Learning about each other and what our annoyances and likes were. We are still learning about each other to this very day. Moose has always had a personality. He showed up with it! Initially (not having any experience with cats) I thought that was something special to him. I still viewed all other cats as well…just cats. Then Reggie came along and I was gifted the opportunity to get to know him. Different cat, different personality. Fast forward to little grey cat, the stray Renee saved on Easter morning. Three cats, three different and distinct personalities. All perfect for themselves and the people they find. So I guess the answer to what I love most about cats is that they have taught me, still continue to teach me and I will be forever thankful to be allowed to be their student and look forward to learning more about their personalities and about each ones individuality." ~ Jon
Jon and "Moose Virginia".

"Little Dude"
(Photos courtesy of Renee and Jon James)

Jim and Hammy

"The things that I like the best about living with a cat is no mice, my cat likes coming to me for attention, my cat mellows me out. What I like the least is he (Hammy) has to sleep on me all the time and he paws at my face when I try to sleep because he wants attention. I call Hammy an "Abby Tabby" since he has Tabby cat markings, loves water, and has Abyssinian traits." ~ Jim
(Photos courtesy of Robin and Jim Raber)

Brett and "The Boys" 

"I have always had an affinity for cats ever since I was a kid. There is very little that I do not like about being a cat dad and living with cats. I have respect for all of them regardless of their disposition. Cats seem to naturally come to me and I love that about them." ~ Brett
Brett with "Butterscotch" (top of pic) and "Sir Leo"
With "Merlin" when he was a kitten.
Brett and our beloved "Midnight"


 Cat dads know ...

Cat dads know that when their kitty starts to purr, all is right with the world. It’s like an instant mood-booster and stress-reliever.

Cat dads know that sometimes cats can be aloof or independent, but that doesn’t change how much we adore them. Even when they are being stubborn or ignoring us completely, we still find ourselves loving them just the same."

Cats choose us; we don’t own them.

Time spent with cats is never wasted.

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of a contented cat curling up on your lap and purring away. It’s a simple pleasure that makes life infinitely better.

A cat can purr its way out of anything.

Cats have it all – admiration, an endless sleep, and company only when they want it.

I would like to express my sincere appreciation to my friends Jon James, Jim Raber, and my hubby, Brett for being a part of this post. Your personal contributions were very much appreciated! MANY THANKS!

Feline Funnies
