Monday, February 7, 2022

Cold Laser Therapy for Cats: I can't say enough!

A few years ago, our sweet kitty, Midnight, developed severe arthritis in his back and neck. He could no longer get up and down off of the bed or sofa and not only that he could not even turn his neck anymore. We took him to our vet not knowing exactly what they could do to help him other than perhaps give us pain meds. When we arrived, our vet, Dr. Ostrich, suggested something fairly new at the time and something that very few vets offer to this day - it is called Cold Laser Therapy. One of his Veterinary Technicians named Danielle had studied this type of therapy and was certified to perform this proceedure on animals who would greatly benefit from it.

We thought that it certainly could not hurt and if it worked - ALL THE BETTER! And so, we began our therapeutic journey with our Midnight ...

We walked into the patient room where Danielle had the equipment set up and handed us  both a pair of dark glasses and a pair for Midnight as well. Each session takes only 2 1/2 minutes (dogs take between 45 minutes to and hour) and he had been responding so well to them that from there on in, he was only scheduled for a once a month session unless otherwise needed. It had helped him a great deal with his arthritis pain and I would most definitely recommend it to anyone. Although the only down side was that our kitty absolutely hated car rides and did not travel well. The worst part of taking him to the vet was getting him from our house to there. Once he was there, he was much calmer, and after we arrived home again, he was great! 

It is hard to believe that only a couple of weeks before the cold laser therapy treatments he could not even turn his back to groom himself and we could not so much as touch his backside without him crying in pain. Afterward, he was pain-free and flexible again - jumping up and down off of the furniture. We were elated! 

Midnight required 6 initial mandatory sessions after which he would only need to get treatment once a month or as needed. At one of his therapy sessions, his Veterinary Technician and Professional Therapist, Danielle, had proudly shown us some  videos which she had made documenting her patient's Laser Therapy progress from session to session, and I was utterly astounded at what I saw! Dogs and cats with major hip and other types of surgeries _ and even animals who were paralyzed that could not only walk again within one or two sessions but were running around pain-free and shaking their butts around the room! It is simply amazing what this procedure had done for our cat, Midnight and such a wonderful alternative to conventional medications. 

Veterinary Technician, Danielle, from "Eagle's Peek Animal Clinic" performing Laser Therapy practices on her, "star patient," ~  our  kitty Midnight. 🐈

It much reminds me of reiki in many ways, but seems to have much longer lasting effects. I still performed reiki  on him from time to time, but the problem was that he was not very comfortable with the fact that "he actually feels "too comfortable" So Laser Therapy was just so perfect for him. 

In addition to his monthly therapy sessions, we had also purchased a wonderful handmade carpeted ramp off of Etsy for his "off-days" when he needed a little extra help getting up and down on the sofa ...

In my experience, actually seeing the results is believing. 


  1. Amazing the technologies that are available.

    1. CJ, tell me about it! I wish A LOT more vets would offer it!

  2. Great read!! So glad this technology is available and successful. What great cat parents ❤

    1. Renee, I was so blown away by the fact that this type of therapy exists and works so well - and Thank you from one "great cat parent" to another! :-)

  3. I Have read it as use for my health conditions RA Fibro pain so it doesnnt surprise me as I am attempting to find someonr!!!! If it works on cats people should be helped -never knew this

    1. Judy, yes you might want to check into something called Radiofrequency Ablation. It is very simuliar to Cold Laser Therapy in that it is drug-free and, according my dad, it worked wonders for his pain! I don't know who he saw for it, but it might be worth looking into for you. And you are correct, Cold Laser Therapy was used on humans and DOES work.

      IMO, the reason that doctors and hospitals do not offer it, is because there is FAR TOO MUCH money in it for them and Big Pharma to dipsense pills/medications, give shots, and perform abrasive surgeries!

  4. Yes agreed --------Big Pharma wants people dependent !


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