Sunday, January 8, 2023

Never a dull moment ...

Well, this Thursday, weather permitting, Teddy is having his neuter and front declaw surgery with our veterinarian at Conrad Weiser Animal Hospital. In preparation, I went to the pet store and picked up a large bag of paper litter - equivalent to Yesterday's News ...

What to do about Ginger? For a couple of months we have been having problems with Miss Ginger. For some strange reason, she is beginning to urinate places that she never did before outside of the box. She likes to urinate on my husbands coats in particular. Now, I know from past experience that when a cat does this type of thing, it usually means one of three things:

1) The cat box is not clean enough for them/picky.

2) Urinary infection.

3) Behavioral - mainly due to some kind of anxiety issue.

For now, we have to deal with one problem at a time. Teddy first, then make a vet appointment for Ginger. I have a friend who had a female cat who had to be put on anti-anxiety meds for cats in order to fix the problem. So, we shall see.

In the meantime, I bought a bottle of "Pooph" and some other safe urine destroyer products in hopes that it helps!!! ...

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


  1. You've certainly got your hands full! I hope everything goes smoothly and that both kitties feel well soon 🙏 ❤

  2. Is Miss Ginger jealous of Teddy? Maybe spend more time with her?

    1. I don't think that is the problem only because she actually did it before we got Teddy then stopped and for some strange reason started again? We WILL hopefully get to the bottom of it.


May is National Pet Month!