Sunday, April 21, 2024

A very sad farewell

This past week has been a tough one. A few weeks ago, Chester was missing and had not shown up for his breakfast or dinner. We assumed that he did what most outside animals do and wondered off to die somewhere which is all too familiar. Then we noticed a bad smell in the garage. Thinking that one of the two outside cats brought in a mouse and it died there, we began cleaning out the messy garage still  filled with both my husbands work supplies and my mom's things from her old house. 

On Wednesday night after I arrived home from work, my husband told me that he found Chester - lying dead on some coats in back of the garage. What a horror for my husband to have to see! He placed Chester in a bag and he will give him a proper burial today.

We knew that he was not well and that there was little more that we could do to help him except to make him comfortable. Our only saving grace is that he did not die SOMEWHERE ALONE outside in the harsh conditions of nature. He apparently came HOME to us to die. 

WE WILL HIM MISS GREATLY!!! The next day, I printed off some good pics of Chester and told my husband that these photos are the way he needs to remember Chester - healthy and contented!


  1. I am sad to hear this as We have dealt with cats disappearing here or being killed by coyoted. Onyx had to be euthanized back in December. !We finally trapped her, and Joe said Shes bleeding bad took her to his vet-she was in pain! I told him do what you need to, so I totally get it! So sorry!

    1. It is indeed VERY heartbreaking! I know that YOU understand how hard it is! Thank you Judy!

    2. I'm sorry to hear about Chester Kim. It's very sad. But you gave him care and love for the brief time he had and I'm sure he appreciated that.

    3. Thank you for your kind words, Ann. I know that we did everything we could to take good care of him. :-)

  2. So sorry to hear about Chester. Take comfort that you gave him a good life and loving home. Run free in the Summerlands, Chester. Say hi to Mitty and Ink.

    1. I have no doubt that Chester is with Mitty and Ink in the Summerlands! Free from all the troubles of this world. Thank you, CJ!


Feline Funnies
